Program Contents

Not sure if you have Plantar Fascia Pain?

Find out in the FREE lesson you can preview below.

Available in days
days after you enroll
  Learning about Plantar Fascia Pain.
Available in days
days after you enroll
Available in days
days after you enroll
  Treatment Program
Available in days
days after you enroll
  Treatment - Stage 1 - Settling acute flare up.
Available in days
days after you enroll
  Treatment - Stage 2 - Returning to activity and preventing recurrence
Available in days
days after you enroll
  More information if sporty or struggling - take a look!
Available in days
days after you enroll
  Moving forwards
Available in days
days after you enroll
  Extras - Links to equipment
Available in days
days after you enroll

Resolve your foot pain - fast.

Plantar fascia pain can be a difficult problem to settle down.

I share all the advice, techniques and exercises you need to quickly resolve pain and ensure this does not return in the future.

You will soon be back on your feet.

Whether that's running ultramarathons or walking to the shops
- I've got it covered!

Testimonials - What my patients say...

Jonathan Roberts
(ex-Performance Director for 
England Rugby League and Talent Director for British Athletics)

I have been using Helen to deal with a range of musculoskeletal issues. Helen is a great listener, really taking time to get to know you to build a full picture, before designing an effective programme that addresses the fundamental causes of your issue. I have worked with many physiotherapists in my capacity in sport and I can highly recommend Helen as a very effective and caring physio.

James Hahnel 
Consultant Orthopaedic Surgeon
I have worked with Helen for many years at Leeds Nuffield hospital where I work as a specialist hip and knee surgeon. As part of my practice we have plenty of patients who have problems with their back. I 

occasionally struggle with my own back and know Helen is the lady to help sort it out. Not only did she give brilliant care in terms of getting it going again, but she also gave some great advice to keep it in great shape. I have been following this for the last couple of years and have been abusing my back with games of squash since with no problems. Thanks for the great care. Would definitely recommend. 

Ollie Tanner - Smith
Ultimate Frisbee player 
& Student

Helen is a great physio and I couldn't recommend her enough! This year I competed at the Ultimate Frisbee World Championships and faced a number of injuries that I was able to over come with Helens expert knowledge, care and advice. She takes the time to listen to your issues and asks lots of questions to find out exactly what the issue is before delivering a great rehab and prevention programme. A truly top class physiotherapist!

Five Star Review

of my programs

I'm delighted with the first feedback on my treatment programs - which are a new venture for me.

It's great to see my years of hands-on experience are working well in this different format.

"I feel engaged and motivated with my treatment"

"Quality information"

Frequently asked questions

  • What type of injuries can this course help with? This course is specifically designed to resolve your Plantar Fascia Pain (Plantar fasciitis). Settling pain and improving the health of the plantar fascia.
  • How long does the course take to complete? This is a 2 stage process. The first stage where we settle down the acute pain and flare up is normally completed in 7-14 days. The second stage which looks at return the plantar fascia to good health takes longer but is an essential part to prevent recurrence of this problem. These longer term changes take time, ideally you will continue the exercises for 3 months or until you have good strength and function. 
  • How many times a day do I need to do my exercise? Ideally 3 times a day but they don’t take long and it will be worth it.
  • What is the format of the course? The course is begins with us learning about the problem and identifying risk factors that may have caused it. This is an essential part as we need to address these to prevent recurrence. I lead you through a biomechanical assessment again identifying and correcting any problems that may be contributing to the problem. Then it’s action time. Split into 2 stages we begin stage 1 settling the acute flare up before moving onto stage 2 that addresses the health of the structure building strength and preventing recurrence. The lessons are in short easy to follow sections that you can return to at any time. Have a look at the course contents at the top of this page, you can preview sections for free and see what is included in the course.
  • Do I need any special equipment to complete the course? You will need an exercise band, a step or stairs, ice pack, an exercises mat is nice but not essential, weight are also useful but again not essential you use household objects at differing weights instead. Some people may identify that innersoles may help to settle things down but we will assess if this is needed together during the assessment. There are links to all of these in the extras section.
  • Can I do the course if I have a pre-existing medical condition or have had surgery? I would advice that you chat to your GP or doctor about any medical conditions before beginning this program.
  • Is there a money-back guarantee if I am not satisfied with the course? Yes there is a full 30 day money back guarantee that can be accessed through the course platform.
  • Will I need to see a physiotherapist in person while taking the course? No, the course is carefully designed to be completed without a physiotherapist or medical practitioner. However I am well aware that some people need more reassurance and guidance and so there is access to support from myself or a colleague on the website. These appointments are online and are not included within the course. 
  • Can I contact the course instructor if I have questions or need additional guidance? If you need extra guidance which you shouldn’t you can make an appointment to discuss any individual issues, you can book this from the website. However I think I have covered all eventualities within the course and I have a special section to look at if you are struggling or need extra guidance. Don’t worry I’ve got it covered for you.
  • Will the course be helpful if I am not active and don’t normally exercise? Yes it will it is designed with everyone in mind. Each exercise has lots of stages that you can progress through at a speed that suits you. There is an extra section for those who are more active and returning to sport that you are welcome to watch or not.
  • Will this course be suitable for me as a runner or high level athletes? Absolutely. I have added an extra section for those of you returning to high level sport where we look at the specifics of training and what you need to do to successfully return to competitive or recreational sport. The biomechanical assessment also helps you identify and correct any imbalances that may have lead to this developing. 
  • Will I need to stop running/training? For a short period of time yes, but I get you back up and training as soon as possible without any flare ups. 

I’m Helen, course creator...

I have been working as a Chartered Physiotherapist for over 20 years after gaining my BSc Hons Physiotherapy in 2001 from Sheffield Hallam University. I have helped thousands of patients over the years, I've working in NHS and private hospitals, as well as professional sports. In 2009 after starting my family I opened up my purpose built clinic serving my local community. In my goal to positively impact as many peoples as possible Ive created a range of On line courses. Making top quality treatment accessible and affordable. I take all the knowledge and expertise that I have gained over the years and share it with you.

So you can make a Pain Free Start.

Take care Helen

Helen Manders BSc (Hons) MCSP HCPC