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Course Content - Preview some sections for FREE

Available in days
days after you enroll
  Assessment - Full body MOT
Available in days
days after you enroll
Available in days
days after you enroll
  PHASE 1 Exercises
Available in days
days after you enroll
  Checking in with your Posture
Available in days
days after you enroll
  The bigger picture and problem solving
Available in days
days after you enroll
Available in days
days after you enroll
  PHASE 2 Exercises
Available in days
days after you enroll
  Moving forwards
Available in days
days after you enroll
  Extras and Equipment
Available in days
days after you enroll

Testimonials - what my patients say...

Gerard Stanley

Retail Business Consultant

Helen was great. I went 4 or 5 months ago for the first time with Chronic Back Pain and really thought I'd be this way for life as I've spent the last 5 years having treatment but getting no improvement. All I was doing was spending more and more money to get sorted and I wasn't. I've been to Helen 4 times in the last few months and since have made a massive recovery by doing daily exercises and stretches which she showed me during our sessions and then left me to carry on at home on my own. Really great service and the value for money is incomparable to anywhere else. Give it a try, honestly, it's worth every penny.

Joanna Weatherill

Reflexologist, Reflections.

Helen is approachable, empathetic and immensely knowledgeable in her field. Not only did I receive advice on swift and comfortable injury recovery, but gained insight into posture realignment and corrective exercises to avoid future damage. What more could be wanted of a Physio?

Paul Nellis

Managing Director - Orangery Solutions

After suffering many years of back pain especially whilst driving, I visited Helen as she had already treated my wife. Helen was able to diagnose the muscle imbalance that had eluded doctors and other physio's over the years.

After manipulation, stretching & core strength

exercises the improvement has been amazing!

Thank you Helen.

Frequently Asked Questions

(FAQ) - About this Program

What type of injuries can this course help with?

It’s ideal to resolve all those annoying niggles, it's especially good if you keep getting recurring pain or injuries as this is often due to poor function. I also run this program also side treatment for specific injuries as this is often a contributing factor to the injury and if not addressed will tend to return. It's also great for those of you who just feel that your body is not as good as it could be. This course is designed to improve strength, flexibility, balance, posture and biomechanics. You will build a strong, dependable body that you can rely on, which in my experience rarely gives you pain.

How long does the course take to complete?

These sort of changes do not happen over night and generally when we are making long lasting changes like these you will need to be doing the program for 3-6 months. However most people start to see improvements in their pain and function after just a 1-2 weeks, if not sooner.

How many times a day do I need to do my exercise?

Ideally 3 times a day but not everyone would fit that into their days. The more you do them the quicker you will see changes. It's not just about exercises, it's also about changing habits during the day. This takes no extra time its just about remembering to do it!

What is the format of the course?

The course is designed to target your specific needs so to do this we begin going through a 14 stage biomechanical assessment program. After which you know exactly what you want to focus your attention to improve your body. Then we begin targeting these problem areas. This is done in a very controlled way gradually building up and progressing exercises as able. The course is split into short sections making it easy to work through. There are also supporting exercise sheet and assessment sheets that can be printed off. Have look at the course content - at the top of this page, some of the sections you can do without purchasing.

Do I need any special equipment to complete the course?

You will need an exercise band, and an exercises mat is nice but not essential, weight are also useful but again not essential you use household objects at differing weights instead.

Can I do the course if I have a pre-existing medical condition or have had surgery?

I would advice that you chat to your GP or doctor about any medical conditions before beginning this program.

I’m over 70 years old, will this course be suitable for me?

This course is ideal for those of you with lots of life experience, wanting to keep fit and active for as long as possible. Most of my patients are retired and so this is designed with you in mind. The exercises are phased so you start with a very simple exercises and then progress at your own pace. If worried chat to your GP or Dr about it.

Is there a money-back guarantee if I am not satisfied with the course?

Yes there is a full 30 day money back guarantee that can be accessed through Teachables.

Will I need to see a physiotherapist in person while taking the course?

No, the course is carefully designed to be completed without a physiotherapist or medical practitioner. However I am well aware that some people need more reassurance and guidance, if you need our support you can book an online appointment these and are not included within the course price.

Can I contact the course instructor if I have questions or need additional guidance?

If you need extra guidance which you shouldn’t you can make an appointment to discuss any individual issues, you can book this from the website. The course is very comprehensive and I think I have covered all eventualities within it. I also have a section to look at if you are struggling, need extra guidance or just a pep talk. Don’t worry I’ve got it covered for you.

Will the course be helpful if I am not an athlete or fitness enthusiast?

Yes it will it is designed with everyone in mind. Each exercise has lots of stages that you can progress through at a speed that suits you.

Will this course be suitable for me as a regular or high level sports person?

Absolutely. In clinic I see many active individuals who keep picking up injuries and struggle to get rid of them. When we go through this biomechanical assessment they are normally really strong in most areas but tend to have weakness or poor function somewhere, that they are generally unaware of. This can then be resolved with the specific exercises and advice. You will be smashing your PB's in no time.

Five Star Review

of my courses

I'm delighted with the first feedback on my courses - which are a new venture for me.

It's great to see my years of hands on experience is working well in this different format.

"I feel engaged and motivated with my treatment"

"Quality information"

I’m Helen,

course creator...

I have been working as a Chartered Physiotherapist for over 20 years after gaining my BSc Hons in Physiotherapy in 2001 from Sheffield Hallam University. I have helped thousands of patients over the years, I've worked in NHS and private hospitals, as well as in professional sports. In 2009 after starting my family I opened up my purpose-built clinic serving my local community. To positively impact as many people as possible I've created a range of Online courses. I am making top-quality treatment accessible and affordable. I take all the knowledge and expertise that I have gained over the years and share it with you.

So you can make a Pain Free Start.

Take care, Helen,

Helen Manders BSc (Hons) MCSP HCPC